St John's CE (VA) J and I School

Our intent is to develop pupils who …

Have a coherent knowledge and understanding of the people, events and contexts that have shaped Britain’s past and that of the wider world.
Are curious about the past and are inspired to formulate and pursue lines of enquiry by asking perceptive questions, thinking critically, weighing evidence and sifting arguments.
Understand the complexity of people’s lives, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups and how this affects different historical interpretations.
Develop a sense of chronology, understand the process of change and understand how this affects their own identity and the challenges of our time.


How do we promote learning in history?

We provide varied learning opportunities which allow children to construct their own understanding about the past through historical enquiry. Our cross curricular topics enable children to make links across subjects, and include school visits, visitors and interactive resources to make learning meaningful.

 Whole school Curriculum Overview for History.


"I really enjoy learning about the different inventions from the past and how people lived." Nicolas, Y4

What does history look like at St John's?

History is an integral part of the curriculum at St John’s. It is usually taught as part of creative cross curricular topics, linking closely with other subjects especially English. Our History curriculum provides varied opportunities for children to develop their knowledge about the past whilst also developing their enquiry skills and their ability to evaluate historical sources.

Fieldhead, Off Leymoor Road, GOLCAR, Huddersfield, HD7 4QQ

01484 644444